» Ayurvedic Medicine » Tablet » Patanjali Divya Livamrit 60 Tabs
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Patanjali Divya Livamrit 60 Tabs
Pack of: : 1
Manufacturer : Patanjali Ayurved
Weight: : 33gm
Availability : In Stock
Shipment :  Worldwide
Price: : $ 5.97
$ 7.02 | 15% OFF

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Product Description

The tablet Patanjali livamrit is helpful for anemia, fatty liver, and hepatitis. A liver-healthy ayurvedic
treatment that Patanjali's company has patented. It is a one-of-a-kind herbal formulation whose components aid in
the efficient detoxification of liver cells. The remedy's hepatoprotective and immunomodulatory effects are
intended to treat conditions like hepatitis, jaundice, anemia, and disorders of appetite. The immune barrier that
shields liver cells from further damage is strengthened by its use.

1. Anti-inflammatory: Using body mechanisms to reduce inflammation.
2. Keep liver damage at bay.
3. Laxative: Having a tendency to invigorate or work with the clearing of the insides.
4. Stomachic: enhances gastric activity Due to its diaphoretic, diuretic, and laxative effects, it flushes toxins
from the body. There are no negative effects.
6. Due to a disorder in the liver, it helps the body retain water.
7. It makes digestion better.
8. It encourages urination and acts as a diuretic.
9. It is beneficial for liver detoxification.
10. It promotes improved liver function.

Bhumi Amla (Phyllanthus Niruri),
Bhringraj (Eclipta alba),
Arjun (Terminalia arjuna),
Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata),
Makoy (Solanum nigrum),
Kutki (Picrorhiza kurroa),
Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia),
Punarnava (Boerhavvia Diffusa),
Daru Haldi ( Barberis aristata) 

PATANJALI DIVYA LIVAMRIT should be taken as following:
Adult: Two tablets before a meal in the morning and evening.
Children below seven years: 1/2 tablet twice daily, one in the morning and one in the evening, just before a meal
as prescribed by the doctor.

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